Oś czasu
  • 1956-1989

Editor-in-Chief: Piotr Głogowski

Co-ordination of edition II: Łukasz Bertram

Translation: Barbara Herchenreder

Graphic design: Danuta Błahut-Biegańska

Warsaw 2014, Edition II updated
Publisher: Ośrodek KARTA
Softcover, 96 pages
Size: 160×230 mm
ISBN: 978-83-64476-09-9

Z serii: Poza seriami

1989 (wersja angielska)

The Final Curtain


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Opis książki

The pace of the year 1989 was extraordinarily intensive – as though the whole breakthrough in freedom for Eastern and Central Europe had to take place within the space of that year. In January, the pending changes to the system were little more than a glimmer of hope. By December, the new, independent order was a reality in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia; at the same time in the GDR, Bulgaria, Romania and the Baltic Republics of the USSR, the vision of changes to the existing system were already deeply rooted. Zobacz więcej

Pełny opis

The image we present in that of communities progressing through the year as in a relay race. There is no direct communication between them, they do not exhort others to act – but as an operation came to an end in one country, so it passed on naturally to the next. Spring belonged to the Poles. Summer – to the Hungarians and the “Baltic chain”. Autumn belonged to the Germans, Czechs, Slovaks and Bulgarians. In the early days of the winter the Romanians felt the breakthrough.

Inne wersje językowe:

Inne z serii: Poza seriami

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