Oś czasu
  • Po 1989

Selection and the editing of texts: Agnieszka Kudełka
Editorial support: Małgorzata Kudosz (research)
Alicja Wancerz-Gluza (coordinator)
Graphic Design: Danuta Błahut-Biegańska
English translation: Barbara Herchenreder
Computer setting and preparation of photogragraphs: TANDEM STUDIO
Warsaw 2012
This Publication has been prepared with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland

Z serii: Poza seriami

American Peace Corps in Poland


Opis książki

This publication is a result of a documenting project of KARTA Center on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the American Peace Corps and on the 10th anniversary of the completion of its mission in Poland. The KARTA Centre has undertaken to commemorate the work of these volunteers in our country.

We have managed not only to reconstruct the Polish history of the Corps’ activities, to establish the names of all the volunteers, the places to which they were posted and the fields in which they worked but also to make contact with over 500 people who had links with the Peace Corps. Within this publication we are pleased to present a selection of the material we have collected. We hope it will familiarise people with this largely forgotten episode in the process of transformation which took place in Poland after the fall of the Communist system.

It has been prepared with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland

Inne z serii: Poza seriami

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