Oś czasu
  • 1918-1939

Research and Editing: Agnieszka Knyt

History Consultant: Janusz Odziemkowski, Jan Tarczyński, Jerzy Kochanowski

English translation: Barbara Herchenreder

Graphic design: Danuta Błahut-Biegańska

Warsaw 2005, First Edition
Hardcover, 220 pages
Editors: KARTA Centre, City of Warsaw History Museum
ISBN 83-88288-67-9

Z serii: Poza seriami

The Year 1920

The War beetween Poland and Bolshevik Russia


75.00  z VAT

Opis książki

The Year 1920. The year when the fate of the Nation was thrown into the balance – the year of the greatest Polish victory of the 20th Century over an external ruthless enemy. Eighty-five years ago, the Polish people closed ranks and stood up for their Motherland in the face of an ideology which posed a threat to the whole of Europe. Poland alone stood in the way of Bolshevism. Zobacz więcej

Pełny opis

The victory in the Battle for Warsaw laid the foundations for building an independent nation and state, which had re-emerged after the First World War. The succes won by Józef Piłsudski, his armies, indeed the whole of Polish society was to make its mark for many years on the history of Europe prior to the Second World War.

It is worth recalling the moment when the future security of Europe and, to some extent at least, the very soul of the West depended on the stance of the Poles.

Inne z serii: Poza seriami

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