Oś czasu
  • 1956-1989

Selection and editing: Agnieszka Dębska

Historical adviser: Andrzej Friszke

Graphic design: Marianna Wybieralska

Warsaw 2010, First Edition
Publishers: Ośrodek KARTA, Dom Spotkań z Historią, Europejskie Centrum Solidarności
Hardcover, 212 pages
Format: 226×245 mm
ISBN 978-83-61283-41-6
ISBN 978-83-62020-22-5
ISBN 978-83-930472-5-3

Z serii: Poza seriami

The Road to Solidarity



Pierwotna cena wynosiła: 50.00 zł.Aktualna cena wynosi: 39.90 zł. z VAT

Poprzednia najniższa cena: 39.90 .

Opis książki

“Solidarność” was not a miracle. It did not just suddenly break out from nowhere in the Gdańsk Shipyard. It was, in fact, the successful finale to a process which was played out in the second half of the 1970s. And it is this tale that we tell – in words and in pictures from those times. Zobacz więcej

Pełny opis

During the period 1975-1980, the people of Poland undertook the road from complete subordination to self-determination – in direct contrast to the fate of the Communist authorities. The latter, however, instead of rationale were later to wield naked force.

This album demonstrates, step by step, how the breakthrough in Polish consciousness came about; how collectively – in the depths of the so-called Peerel [Polish People’s Republic] – Poles joined forces to undermine the Communist order in Eastern Europe. The road to Solidarity continued onwards – to a free and independent Poland.

Inne z serii: Poza seriami

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